Thursday, August 20, 2009

Girls Date Out

So today was my special date with Kaylee - just us girls. She wanted to keep it a surprise until we got there, so I didn't say anything until we pulled up to the Aquarium. We were going to see the new baby beluga, who was only born a few weeks ago. Kaylee was excited.

Now here is the thing with going to the Vancouver Aquarium, at least with my kids. There is a TON of stuff to see and do. And since we are members, we have the ability to go when we want. There is always new exhibits (like new baby beluga's), and old favs like the Octopus that only has seven arms.

So you think it would take a long time to go through everything? Nope, we zoom through. Glad that we went to see the belugas first, as KJ had all the time in the world to look and see this beautiful wonder of the sea. In the tank today were two mom whales, a year old calf and this newborn. We are very lucky to be able to see this all.

Afterwards we had some lunch and treats, then fed the ducks (remembered to bring bread this time) and a quick swing before heading home. THis afternoon, we are going to bake cookies for Grandpa together. Should be fun.

I loved my date day, and can't wait to do it again. When we got home Kaylee said "thanks for taking me on a date mom, your my best mom". Heart just melted.


Suzanne said...

You are lucky! We have to go a loooong way to see anything like that and I don't think I've ever seen a Beluga.

Lisa and DJ said...

Add it to my list of things to do when I come visit!