The day before her birthday, we were at my parents house. Dad's birthday is the day before KJ's, and anyone who knows when Kaylee's birthday is should know that. That is because when people ask her when her birthday is, she always says "August 22 and my Grandpa's is the day before on August 21st".

On the actual day, Kaylee got to go visiting with Grandparents, Great Grandparents and Uncles. She loved that. Queen wherever she went. As per Dye House rules, the birthday child gets to pick what she wants for meals. She got Grandma and Grandpa to take her to Wendy's for lunch and it was Sushi for dinner with DQ Ice Cream Cake. Mmmm.

The next day, Chris' Dad, Sue and Gumpmom came for dinner. Gumpmom also has an August birthday, so we always get together for the youngest and oldest family members to celebrate together. Kaylee's choice for cake that night, strawberry shortcake. Mmmmm

A few long days (all days are long when you are six) and finally it was her party day. Now KJ is just like me, gets so excited before the party happens that by the time it finally does happen, she's pooped. Her six buddies (all boys) arrived for a monster party. They made a monster craft, played zombie tag and monster lunch was spiders and octopuses followed by a six eyed monster cake.The cake was only going to have 3 or 5 eyes, but when I told the birthday girl that she promptly informed me "um, it HAS to have 6 silly", and so the 6 year old had 6 eyes.

Water balloons, aka monster eggs, were tossed after lunch with a little sprinkler time and me realizing that 1.5 hours would have been fine. None the less, they all had fun and the birthday week came to an end.

Six. Wow. That was fast! Happy Birthday Kaylee, love you lots.
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