I'm glad the week is over. It was an emotional one. Up, down, up, down, but ending on an up.
Up - well life as usual. Snow on the horizon for the mountain, things are good. Down - found out that my beloved scrapbooking site was changing, and most likely closing down. Not only does this site provide me a HUGE creative outlet, it also connects me to a group of amazing women that I would not have met without. It also keeps me in touch with some that I met through another site and are back together again.
Up - those incredible women, well they feel the same way about the site so together we found a way to keep it "live" and keep things as is.
Down - my close and dear friend Lori's father was admitted to emergency and then put on life support to try and get his organs functioning again. While I wasn't able to speak with Lori directly, I was able to get some news and stay in the loop. He was not doing well.
Up - Lori called last night. He's doing better. While by no means out of the loop (not totally breathing on his own), his organs are functioning and he did not need to go on dialysis. It will be a bit before we know more, but the doctors are optimistic.
Up - had a successful scrapping weekend. Those ladies at compupro hosted a on line crop and we had a great time. I got a few challenges done, and am totally inspired to keep going.
Since the weekend ended UP, I plan to start next week. I'm tired. I guess the emotions have won, so tonight I will sleep. And dream of scrapping.