So since I missed a post or two over the summer, I thought it would be good to catch up on things as I go.

I thought I would start with KJ. Hard to believe, but my baby just wrapped up kindergarten. She knows how to read, she writes very well, she can spew off our address and....well here is no surprise.....her social skills are above her grade average. In grade four, that will read "if she spent less time socializing and more time on her work, she would surely improve her grades". Seems vaguely familiar.

KJ is the free spirit in our house. She doesn't over think anything. She acts and enjoys the ride as she goes along. We could all learn a little from her.

She likes to make people laugh, and will strike up a conversation with just about anyone.

Her brother is her idol, she has her father wrapped around her finger, and I, well I am the one that she still crawls into bed with for a cuddle whenever she gets the chance.

If you ask Kaylee what she would like to be when she grows up, she changes her mind daily. Sometimes it's an artist (like me she says, melts my heart!). She also wants to be a baseball coach like her Daddy. She can be whatever she wants, but I'm not in a rush for her to grow up.

We went for a "summer" hair cut today. She cut off about 3 inches. She's adorable (as always) - but that much more big girl and not little girl. The hair dresser asked her how old she was and she said "I'm five, but I'm pretty much six". Guess so.
She is getting so big! Love the funky glasses!
Love her!!
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