Since picking my word "motion" I have done a lot of thinking. About what I want to accomplish with this word. What results I want to see. And how I will make this word work with me. For me. For the year.
So a simple way is to put a list together, a list of things that I want to make happen. The "motion" is the action part.
#1 - De-clutter. Specifically all the crap that seems to have surrounded me in my house. If we move, then I have too much stuff to move. If we stay, then I have too much stuff to stay. I am going on a purge mission.
#2 - Play more. I so enjoyed getting out on the hill yesterday, I want to do that more. I've really enjoyed playing with the kids games with them, classics like battleship and perfection. Less TV. More Play.
#3 - Exercise. Be it skiing. Wii. Walking. I need to get more of it. All of it.
#4 - Document more. Blog. Photo. Whatever. Document.
#5 - Date more. Date my husband. Some nights go out without the kids. Some night, plan a date for when they have gone to bed. Date my kids - we always have fun when we have one on one time.
Just a list of five for now. Let's check back and see how those are going.
great list..i think i could stand to be some of those too..especially the purge part!
Oooo "purge" should be on my list too!! Great list!
Love your list and your little strip of photos too. It's fun to see you blogging again.
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