Thursday, January 31, 2008

The last day of the month....

It seems as though the first month of 2008 has flown by.  I remember as a child wondering why adults always though the time went by so fast, when it seemed to take forever when you are young.  Now I know.

Did I accomplish anything in January?  Well, I worked too much in December, so tried to focus on the family more this month.  We did a visit to the Aquarium, took Braydon skiing, built snowmen, Braydon got to go ice skating, Kaylee got to hang out with Grandpa and I more, went out for a family dinner, played a lot of games together, did lots of crafts and read bedtime stories every night.  Actually last night, I came up with a new weekly feature - Make your own story up....coming every Wednesday night.  It was fun, both Braydon and I made up our own stories....his took a lot longer than mine.

Crazy day at work today.  I think they are all a bit crazy - but that is half the fun of it.  Just cracked a cold beer and plan on watching some hockey with Chris and entertaining the children.  

I have lost my voice, so  right now if you can hear me, I have a bluesy jazz thing going on.  Most people find it a bit entertaining, I would like my voice to come back.  I feel fine, just sound horrible!!

Tomorrow is the shortest month of the year (although the longest Feb in 3 years) so I have a feeling that time will not slow down.

1 comment:

Lisa and DJ said...

Your story time sounds fun. It's true that time flies faster the older you get. Soooo, you time must fly faster than mine. (hee hee)